Açıklaması şöyle. Rolling update ile kullanılır1. Suppose there is an already existing deployment running 3 replicas of a pod with image nginx: Now you wish to change the version of the image.3. This can be done by changing the version of the image in deployment file and running the command: `kubectl apply -f <deployment file path>`4. The above can also be done by: `kubectl set image deployment myapp-deployment nginx=nginx.1.7.1`.4. Remember, if we do step #4, then there will be inconsistency in the actual file and the deployment definition in the cluster5. Run command: `kubectl describe deployment <deployment name>` to see the details of deployment, and notice the difference in both strategies.
Eğer Rolling Update işlemini geri almak istersek "kubectl rollout undo" kullanılır
Şöyle yaparız
$ kubectl set image deployment.v1.apps/test-deploy nginx=nginx:1.16.1
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